Tuesday 13 January 2009

12 jan 09

Orriite guys
lool nyeeeee that makes me LAAAUGH when I read it beckys blog. nyers Anyways, I should probably get along with it.
So, its Tuesday and nothing has really changed at school, except for izzy and loverboy TWITWOO aha ^^ just thought I would mention. It. Anyway, today at lunch we named some, ermm items. Seans is called lancelot (courtesy of Katie) Alex's is called katie (I think izzy made that one up becuase he springs into action when somebody mention katie, I think that was izzy again LOL) Jacks is called like princess something or other I forgot.
Im watching the simpsons and this irish policeman just goes 'Shuuure ya do and i'm going apple picking with scooby doo twoitwoitwoitwoit' Lolll... thats fonneh.

JAMIES MEAN AND I DONT LIKE HIM. and I say that because he just told me to learn some fucking english and go away. Slag. xD lollll...
hm oh yes. Yesturday, lol me and izzy where talking about owning cement (WINKWINK) I laughed. Alot. Lmaoo doesn't it make you laugh? no... well it should ok?
im watching the simpsons, that doesn't sound like me at all? but oh well. I just realised how many question marks im doing? I think question marks are cool? like me, becuase im cooler than an ice cream in the south pole in winter, in a blizzard, at night, and its cold. Thats how cool I am

errrr I dont have anything else
to type
I dont think
nope, I shall update you when I can be arrr-bothered


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