Thursday 8 January 2009

08 Jan 09

Ok im going to keep it long for izzy, and I know shes reading this so HELLO IZZY! -WAVE
I also agree with alex and izzy, it really does feel like school has been here for months, well not months, weeks. But actually school isn't that bad, its pretty good, (: I mean, i've been sitting doing nothing all holiday, but now I'm actually doing something! and its benifiting my education, hozaar! lol yes I am a nerd. Oh and, it was funny cos after media izzy was standing there talking, I was waiting for her so I could walk out with somebody and look cool (lol only joking, izzys not cool >:]) anyway we where walking down the stairs 'he's SO hot!' 'Iknoww' lol it made me laugh.
I know that really wasn't worth it was it? Oh well thats the most exciting thing thats happened to me all week. Shows how cool I am ;)

So, at the moment im watching Jasper Carrot on my bed, with my cat (you've gotta have the cat) His name is Oscar by the way, and he says hello! well actually he didn't, he sort of started sitting on the keyboard so I pushed him off and he ran away. Im so nice to my pets arn't I!
Oh yes and Jasper Carrot is a comedian incase you were wondering hes tres funny :)
I was looking my wardrobe the other day and I realised I really need to throw out all my old clothes and get a new set, cos I swear I wear the same thing, jeans jumper. I am thinking of getting something unlike me (Just like it said in the magazine in media! 'surprise him, if your a jeans and jumper girl throw on a dress!') well.. I dont think I'll excatly throw it on, I think i'll stagger into it sort of mumbling a little complaining how I dont like dresses.
No I wouldn't buy a dress :P

I have just realised everone else talks about how they're feeeeling today, me I talk about random stories that nobody is really going to care/remember. But oh well its fun for me and apparently Izzy. I have also realised I've mentioned izzy three times now, ok now its four, but thats only becuase she told me to write this and make it long and I am :)

hmm just thinking, the next festive holiday thing is valentines day, PFFT what a joke! Last year I didn't get anything (IKNOW im such an attention seeker right!) but yeah not that bothered, its just another holiday to make money. Thats all everones interested in now isn't it? money! wow I sound like my dad. Whenever I buy something and sneek it past him, just as i've walked up the first step 'WHATAV YOU GOT THERE' 'oh nothing..!' 'SPENDING MORE MONEY' and then he sort of rambles on about how he works hard and aches or something like that. I dont really listen im usually in my room inspecting my new item.

Errr I dont think I have anything else to write about that will interest you, so I shall stop now
keep coming back to find out more about the amazing adventures of Becca Carman (Featuring pupils at swavesey village college)

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