Monday 19 January 2009


Eeer I havn't posted a blog in a while. Couldn't be bothered really :P so I guess I can please you with this. Muaha. Hmm so, today was gooood P.E was funny xD we were standing standing watching the teacher make a fool of herself and I looked back at katie, and her gum fell out of her mouth LMFAO. It was one of thoughs you had to be there to laugh moments. It was like this white thing I saw out the corner of my eye. looool. bless.

R.E was also Preeeeeeetty awsome, at the end we had to make a michealangalo out of playdough, I could of put a photo of it, but NICOLA didn't send it to me at lunch. I thought it was well good xD nicola made the head, LOOOL it was funnyy. I rekindled my love for playdough 8)
Err brake, was brake :P

Then science ah dear science, we had to like attach a peice of string to some aparatas and see how much weight it would hold. But I don't think the teacher liked Nicola much, or Harry but I can understand why she didn't like him. He attached a really thick peice of string to it and attached LOADS of wieghts to at the end it was a big bundle of weights and she didn't even notice it. Bahahaha. Oh and at the end she was like to our table 'well, were do I begin.' 'Harry you were totally irrisponsable' 'and nicola you were the chatty one wern't you' 'everyone was just siting there in silence like :. No.

hmmm, then was Lunch. Nothing interesting about lunch. I had a sandwhich and a muffin :) just thought you'd might like to know. :D

Err bored of writing now but i'll carry on. Other lessons was Maths and entirprise. Eeeerr, nothing much funny xD pretty averageee.
Then after school we went to the self defence class. It was well good! DONT MESS WITH ME ANYMORE. I shall brake your arm. :D even know i've been to one thing, but still. Me and emma kept getting mixed up. 'so I grab this arm' 'no you grab that arm' 'no you grab my wrist' 'Which wrist?!' looool funny :>

Erm. Not much else to report on reaaaaally, I shall update you if i can be botherrred. Nothing much interesting happens anyway x)

Beccaaa xo

Thursday 15 January 2009

Probably the best and most randomest blog EVER.

You know the title is true, so just admit it? ^oD
hm anyways, just got back from le foot, and I've just discovered how unfit I am, I was jogging round the thingy and after 2 minutes I was like 'AHHH STICHHHH' hm well it may be because I havn't played in like 5 weeks, so thats what im blaming it on. Yes...

Umum school was pretty average, just like most days but lool in drama shane and lilly were doing that 'papa dont preach' thingy it was hilarious, ok imagine shane saying this: 'Hey baby, your looking pretty today -moves closer to lilly, you know, I think we should take our relationship to the next level comon! everyones doing it!' LOOL it was tres amusant. And then izzy got a lift back in the car, oh she makes me laugh. 1. 'Im going to keep flicking you to the song. Oh, the songs stopped' BAHA (dont know the name of the song btw :D) 2. You know I havn't spoken to Emma allll day today! Oh wait, yes I have. Nevermind.' LOOOOL oh dear, you should really not talk to yourself.

Ommg its 10 to 9, 10 TO 9! it feels really late, and all I had for tea was chips (the nicest chips EVERR) and rice. Thats how much im loved. But I probably just put on all the fat I burned off xD ahh well, nevermind :D errr oh yes in the car on the way back my dad was singing along to queen, dont stop me now. -cringe. He didn't know all of the words so occasionally he would go 'OHOHOH EXPLOOODEE!' -silence. 'CONTROLEEE' gakkk.
whats gak? hmm..

ER nothing else really to report on
This was becca carman. BBC over.
-theme music
doo doo dooooo


Wednesday 14 January 2009

** correcting last blog

Ooh btw I meant anthony not athony :D

14 jan 09

Hello there people of the world, well people of the blog world.
Nerds of the world!
Today was, 'eh' it wasnt that good the worst bit was the German exam. Now that was horrible
-shudder I really think i've failed. I wrote like 5 lines for the last bit. Oh well, I don't even want to take german next year anyway. Deutsch ist Scheiße, agreed? mhmm..
LOOL watching the simpsons AGAIN I KNOW, and he was like
'We can all learn from little'
'whats your name son?'
'well we can all learn from little Rudager!'
LOL, oh how I love it. And so does my dad from some reason, he chuckles every now and then at points which arn't even funny. The dweeb. LOL homer and bart just tried to get away on a float made out of flowers AND THE FLOWERS BLEW AWAY BAHAHAAA.
I know, thats not funny is it. :D
Im in a random mood... might go and watch charlie the unicorn on youtube, I havn't watched that in ages, ooh and bananaphone oh and potter puppet pals, ahh so many memories flooding back. Incuding one where we were in izzys office filming us miming to bananaphone, and her camera was really slow so like we were 2 seconds behind. GoodtimeGoodtimes.#

Nothing particularly interesting about my life, want to make it interesting anybody? xP
except the whole things with athony on msn, hes all like 'my heart beats for you all day' im like, nyers except I dont say nyers becuase he will be like what? but I dunno cos its been to long for me to 'love' him back, so I dont. Besides its not that attracting to be talking to them on msn, whilst he speaks bad english. From google translater. Or am I being abit harsh, oh i dont know atm not too bothered either. I'll have to wait 2 months for anything xD

hm yes. Thats about it
texting, etcetcetc

Tuesday 13 January 2009

LOL just had dinner:
Ben: No I had mrs crow 2nd period
me: Whos mrs crow?
mum: shes the personal adviser officer...
Me: oh you mean the person who deals with retards?
Ben: *unamused* I HAVE A FORK FULL OF BEANS.


12 jan 09

Orriite guys
lool nyeeeee that makes me LAAAUGH when I read it beckys blog. nyers Anyways, I should probably get along with it.
So, its Tuesday and nothing has really changed at school, except for izzy and loverboy TWITWOO aha ^^ just thought I would mention. It. Anyway, today at lunch we named some, ermm items. Seans is called lancelot (courtesy of Katie) Alex's is called katie (I think izzy made that one up becuase he springs into action when somebody mention katie, I think that was izzy again LOL) Jacks is called like princess something or other I forgot.
Im watching the simpsons and this irish policeman just goes 'Shuuure ya do and i'm going apple picking with scooby doo twoitwoitwoitwoit' Lolll... thats fonneh.

JAMIES MEAN AND I DONT LIKE HIM. and I say that because he just told me to learn some fucking english and go away. Slag. xD lollll...
hm oh yes. Yesturday, lol me and izzy where talking about owning cement (WINKWINK) I laughed. Alot. Lmaoo doesn't it make you laugh? no... well it should ok?
im watching the simpsons, that doesn't sound like me at all? but oh well. I just realised how many question marks im doing? I think question marks are cool? like me, becuase im cooler than an ice cream in the south pole in winter, in a blizzard, at night, and its cold. Thats how cool I am

errrr I dont have anything else
to type
I dont think
nope, I shall update you when I can be arrr-bothered


Saturday 10 January 2009

10 Jan 09

Bongeorno my friends :D
It's finally saturday, after such a long week of schoool! Yes of course im just joking, that week went so quickly and it was actually good, you know despite the whole 'lunch time' thing. It was good. Last night I was watching Anne Frank last night, IT WAS SO DEPRESSING, why did the bloody nazis have to find her whyyy! -sob. And I agree with katie, Anne and Peter should have gone out, or at least kissed :P I mean she fed him a strawberry, yes, a strawberry. But then they all died except the dad whos name was otto. I think... :S

Lol, jamie was making a web/pod cast or whatever to enter in a contest, he is so cool ^^ yes so erm anyways, this morning my dad was like 'Do you want to come to Earith today?' what sort of a question is that?! Do you want to come to earith... EARITH, thats probably the furthest he would ever go. Let alone cambridge, ooooh god dont even mention cambridge to him 'who would want to go to bloody cambridge, too many people' oh how I love my father.

My match was called off this morning, thank god, I havn't touched a football in about a month let alone trained, and it was against the best team in the league or however you spell it, PHEW. Anyways, enough about football xD I want to do something today, but I doubt I can, by the time im ready it will be about 3 o-clock, so Sunday hopefully :P but probs not. Oh what I busy life I have.

OOOH yes I had a reaaally wierd dream last night. Loads of people where like over the green on that wooden thing and then it like turned into this random world , that was a maze and we had to go through it, and then randomly we ended up in the school hall, but then it all went dark and we had to go in another room, AND THEN it started turning into this school disco thing and everybody was standing in groups and all this lighting and stuff turned on. Then I woke up :D
lol I have such a random mind <:

Eeerr I dont think I have anymore to say..
so er, GOODBYE xo

Thursday 8 January 2009

08 Jan 09

Ok im going to keep it long for izzy, and I know shes reading this so HELLO IZZY! -WAVE
I also agree with alex and izzy, it really does feel like school has been here for months, well not months, weeks. But actually school isn't that bad, its pretty good, (: I mean, i've been sitting doing nothing all holiday, but now I'm actually doing something! and its benifiting my education, hozaar! lol yes I am a nerd. Oh and, it was funny cos after media izzy was standing there talking, I was waiting for her so I could walk out with somebody and look cool (lol only joking, izzys not cool >:]) anyway we where walking down the stairs 'he's SO hot!' 'Iknoww' lol it made me laugh.
I know that really wasn't worth it was it? Oh well thats the most exciting thing thats happened to me all week. Shows how cool I am ;)

So, at the moment im watching Jasper Carrot on my bed, with my cat (you've gotta have the cat) His name is Oscar by the way, and he says hello! well actually he didn't, he sort of started sitting on the keyboard so I pushed him off and he ran away. Im so nice to my pets arn't I!
Oh yes and Jasper Carrot is a comedian incase you were wondering hes tres funny :)
I was looking my wardrobe the other day and I realised I really need to throw out all my old clothes and get a new set, cos I swear I wear the same thing, jeans jumper. I am thinking of getting something unlike me (Just like it said in the magazine in media! 'surprise him, if your a jeans and jumper girl throw on a dress!') well.. I dont think I'll excatly throw it on, I think i'll stagger into it sort of mumbling a little complaining how I dont like dresses.
No I wouldn't buy a dress :P

I have just realised everone else talks about how they're feeeeling today, me I talk about random stories that nobody is really going to care/remember. But oh well its fun for me and apparently Izzy. I have also realised I've mentioned izzy three times now, ok now its four, but thats only becuase she told me to write this and make it long and I am :)

hmm just thinking, the next festive holiday thing is valentines day, PFFT what a joke! Last year I didn't get anything (IKNOW im such an attention seeker right!) but yeah not that bothered, its just another holiday to make money. Thats all everones interested in now isn't it? money! wow I sound like my dad. Whenever I buy something and sneek it past him, just as i've walked up the first step 'WHATAV YOU GOT THERE' 'oh nothing..!' 'SPENDING MORE MONEY' and then he sort of rambles on about how he works hard and aches or something like that. I dont really listen im usually in my room inspecting my new item.

Errr I dont think I have anything else to write about that will interest you, so I shall stop now
keep coming back to find out more about the amazing adventures of Becca Carman (Featuring pupils at swavesey village college)

Wednesday 7 January 2009

07 Jan 09

Sitting on my backside, watching p.s I love you, made me realise three things, one, its probably the greatest movie every, two I love the irish accent, it's so hot. And three boys SUCK, I know im only 13 and probably the last person boys think about, but tbh there is nobody, nobody really thats here. I know I should wait, because im 'only young' but there is no possible way I could meet anybody else. But really im not that desperate, im not going to go out with the next person I see, I think the technical term for that is 'slut' and I dont plan to be one of those, just yet ;) dont worry im just joking (:

Anyway, I should probably shove that to the back of my mind and create a new space for something else to fill it, preferably food 'laugh out loud.' nono im not greedy either. ANYWAY, for the second time school was good again, lots of smiling and laughing and learning! horaay for learning! x] but I dont even know why teachers bother with homework, do they think that the kids actually care about french verbs, or even think that its fun?! No I think you'll find the answer is.

This is the last evening I have to finish my media, but thats just typical of me, leave it at the last moment thats my motto. But I serisouly have to finish it but I really cbaa, I DONE CARE ABOUT MEDIA ITS BORING. We are such guinea pigs running around on our little wheels, scibbling down answers on a new test, experimenting with new teachers that send people to the back of the class and are from germany. Oh wait, thats hamsters?

thats it k?


Tuesday 6 January 2009

06 Jan 09/school

So went back to school today, I was finally reunited with my beloved friends... Nyerss... in the words of isabel stacey. Anyway, school was actually pretty good, I got to see my friends, we didn't have to go to media etc.etc.etc. But im pretty sure i'll get used to the novilty eventually, eventually meaning in a week :l. I swear everyone had a haircut, well ok, like 4 people and ok since I last saw them, but they still had a a haircut. OH AND we were remenising in form today AHA I laughed, oh how I laughed. It was tres amusant.
And I dont know what else I can say.. that I can put on a blog anyways :P
k er


Sunday 4 January 2009

4th Jan 09

Only two days left of the christmas holidays, and two days to finish my essay, but enough of talking about the essay already, its well depressing :P. I had a really strange dream last night, so im going to tell you :] it was me, katie, izzy and maddy and it was the sponsered walk, even though it wasn't in swavesey, if your reading this izzy/katie/anybody who went to over primary school :P you know when we went to Grafham waters and we went on that bikeride and there was that reaaaally tall hill with that telephone pilon on it (dont ask me why I remember this sort of stuff I just too) anyway, we were walking up that hill and katie started to say 'I know this really good short cut' and then for some reason where were about to walk on swavesey green you know that bit at the back. AND THEN for some random reason steph walker said 'yeah the school is just round the corner but the teachers will catch you' so we carried on walking, and then my dream sort of fazed out into another which I forgot, but I have this random image of Jack Summers in st celia hall, standing with conor baker I know! random.

I was home alone last night, AGAIN, and my parents didn't come home until like 12:00 AGAIN but they were round my aunties playing buzz and theres this whole conflict at the moment, but dont ask. So anyway I was putting some celery and broccili in my hamsters cage, as you do, and it was just looking at me. I was like what! then it kinda took some celery and ran out the open cage door, so heres me trying to catch my hamster, so I got my dog, Dont worry its not as bad as it seems, so I eventually caught him and put him back in his cage, and then I wake up tomorrow morning to find that his cage door was open, I could have sworn I shut it. I did... I swear that hamster is an evil genius.
I should probably stop writing now... and start homework. Ok here goes nothing.

Saturday 3 January 2009

3rd Jan 09

A new day, another oppurtunity to get up late. So here I am, eating my boiled egg, im not that hungry I dont know why I made it, and im really tired becuase my dog was barking at 2 o-clock last night and my mum said today I should have gone down to see what he wanted, oh becuase your first reaction to your dog barking at 2 o-clock is to go downstairs only to find some maniac robbing you. But anyway, no that didn't happen.
Im saying to myself 'do your essay, do your essay' but I think my hand refuses to do it, I mean picking up a pen is such hard work, even though im probably doing it on the laptop, but typing is still hard right? Thats my excuse.
Im listening to obladi oblada on the radio and its just reminded me of a memory. Me and izzy where sitting in my office and she was singing: 'in a couple of years they have built a home sweet home' 'doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo' and I said. NO its 'dooo dooo doo dooo dooo' and she was like 'no but doo doo doo dooo doo doo doo doo sounds so much better' and I said 'no it doesn't the original sounds so much better.' ahaa.. dont know why I suddenly remembered that but oh well ^^

and I dont think I have anything else to type.

Friday 2 January 2009

The christmas holidays.

So, we're coming to an end of our christmas holidays, and like I said in my last post, it wasn't at all that brilliant. Except for seeing twilight after charities morning, oh and the chav girl who had a go at us xD. Although I did have a cold that day, probably the only down side.

New years eve was pretty crap didn't do anything, not like my parents were bothered though, and my brother went out to a party, didn't come home until today at 3, so my parents were pretty mad, but they're always angry at him, not that he cares. Sometimes I don't understand the way his brain works. But I cant do any difference atm :/
New years day was once again pretty crap, i just watched tv allll day cos there was too many movies on and the day went so quickly. But my parents went out in the evening so I chatted to jamie on msn until 2 o-clock, when my parents came home =P what an interesting life he leads! xD
Oh and theres that media essay that i've been avoiding all holiday, and I bet im going to do it on monday night. But thats Miss whateverhernames fault isn't it? I mean who cares about how teenagers are represented in a range of magazines, its not like in everyday life you pick up a magazine and start analysing it, WHO CARES.
So at the moment, im sitting on my bed on the laptop once again, when im at home, im in a rut, when im at school im also in a rut, there is know way out of it.

Thursday 1 January 2009

Thats me

Well, I just started this 'blogspot' thingymabob, not too sure how to work it tbh. But here goes.
It is finally the christmas holidays, yes but im not enjoying much, I havn't seen anybody in like 2 weeks, they've probably met up but i've just been sitting on my arse and playing on my wii fit. :/
I cant believe im saying this but bring on school.